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What's the Feng Shui?

The underlying principle of Feng-Shui is Chi, or vital energy, which circulates through the spaces.

Literally, Feng-Shui means wind and water, two of the essential forms taken up by energy moving. Nature is understood as a living organism in which mankind and the environment influence each other and are in a continuous status of change.

Location, orientation, disposition, shape or decoration are building features that condition our lives.

Even though its origins are remote, Feng-Shui was established as a science in the Shang dynasty China, circa 7th Century BC. For several centuries, only emperors and ruling classes were allowed the practice of Feng-Shui.

UDON Restaurants follow the principles and methods of the discipline of Feng Shui, in order to transmit to their customers the feeling of comfort and harmony.

Blanca Sala - Sociocultural Anthropology PhD degree in the UPC-Architecture

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